This is a brief white paper put out in April 2012 by Institute for Water and Watersheds and Institute for Natural Resources (both at Oregon State University) to help the public understand water markets activity in Oregon. Feel free to use it. I'd love to get this map in an interactive/updateable form someday.
Thanks to Ranei Nomura; Carrie Sanneman; Gen Hubert; Tracey Stanton; Bobby Cochran; and David Primozich for offering their expertise and friendly reviews. Thanks also to Cally Whitman from IWW/INR.
This new discussion paper "Why Value the Oceans?" was prepared by UNEP/GRID-Arendal and Duke University's Nicholas School of Environmental Policy Solutions in collaboration with the UNEP TEEB office and the UNEP Regional Seas Program.
I recently completed a report with partners at The Nature Conservancy’s Wyoming office documenting phase 1 of a payment for ecosystem services feasibility study in the Upper Green River Basin of Southwest Wyoming (Sublette County).
New Report from EPRI: This report summarizes and analyzes the responses of a national survey entitled "Evaluation of Credit Stacking" that was developed jointly by EPRI, the World Resources Institute, Stetson University College of Law and the University of Kentucky. The purpose of the survey was to collect opinions about credit stacking from practitioners currently involved in environmental credit markets. The survey was conducted in the first quarter of 2010 and was sent to approximately 1,500 individuals... Published: 12-19-2011
With the latitudes involved in protected area management, managers necessarily face tradeoffs as to which management practices to implement, and how those management practices affect protected area ecosystem services. Understanding the relative importance of protected area ecosystem services to stakeholders can help managers make decisions which maximize the value of the protected area to society.
Submitted by christinas(0)14 December, 2011 - 17:46
This report presents the results of a survey of California rancher’s perspectives, knowledge, and preferences for current and prospective resource conservation programs based on incentives for conserving or restoring ecosystem services. This information is a first step in determining the structure and features that a potential PES program or market in California could embody.