
6th Annual International ESP Conference 2013

27-31 August 2013, Bali, Indonesia

The Ecosystem Services Partnership invites you to the 6th annual ESP conference, which will be held from 27-31 August 2013, on Bali, Indonesia.
Don't miss your chance to interact and exchange ideas with other ESP members, practitioners, educators, policy-makers, researchers, and many others in this International and exotic setting.
Be part of working-groups producing outcomes ranging from journal articles, white papers, book chapters, grant proposals, database structures, websites, and much more.

Event details
Monday, 26 August, 2013 - 15:00 - Wednesday, 30 October, 2013 - 16:00
Bali, Indonesia

Ecosystem services case study: West Eugene Wetlands

This case study is one in a series of documents developed to highlight natural infrastructure projects that have been implemented in the Pacific Northwest. The goals of these cases are to provide awareness and education about ecosystem services approaches, and to demonstrate the potential benefits of incorporating ecosystem services value into planning, management, and/or policy decisions.

American Water Summit: Business Models for the Future

In today's world of constrained resources and limited capital, there is a tremendous need to think creatively and implement smarter models for doing business in the water sector.

Event details
Wednesday, 14 November, 2012 - 08:00 - Thursday, 15 November, 2012 - 17:00
Intercontinental O'hare, Chicago, IL

Webinar: Achieving Environmental Goals through Water Utility-based Incentive Programs

The second installment in The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center’s webinar series focused on innovative approaches to link water use and the environment will take place on May 10, 2012 at 1:00pm MST/12:00pm PST.

The theme for this webinar is, “Achieving Environmental Goals through Water Utility-based Incentive Programs.” Featured speakers include:

Event details
Thursday, 10 May, 2012 - 12:00 - 13:00

Saving and relocating of a urban ecology

Normally when a complex is planned to construct a multistory housing apartment in a compact city like Dhaka, the rich ecology there are left unattended and unwatered for the long period between the agreement  signing (ecology owner & construction company) and authority approval obtaining- normally 12 to 18 months.

Most of the plants die in the mean time. Slum dwellers collect some for fuel wood. The left over are bulldogged and thrown away by the company while start construction.

Year started: 
Organization Name: 

Ecosystem Services, Land Use and Natural Infrastructure

A group for discussing how to address ecosystem services in local land use and infrastructure plans.

The purpose of this group is to investigate the challenges and opportunities associated with conserving ecosystem services within the context of Oregon's land use and infrastructure planning. Initially, information will be collected and compiled on this site, based on interviews with planners, local officials, and other experts.  Listening sessions will be held in several rural communities, to enhance understanding of unique circumstances and potential opportunities.

Biodiversity Conservation

Group to discuss biodiversity protection by encouraging increased conservation efforts on private lands through ecosystem services programs & markets.

This group was created to stimulate further conversation on how fish, wildlife and habitat can be protected more effectively on private lands.  The initial focus has been on application of the federal Endangered Species Act to stimulate demand for private conservation banks that provide habitat for listed or candidate species.

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