Tool Evaluation

6th Annual International ESP Conference 2013

27-31 August 2013, Bali, Indonesia

The Ecosystem Services Partnership invites you to the 6th annual ESP conference, which will be held from 27-31 August 2013, on Bali, Indonesia.
Don't miss your chance to interact and exchange ideas with other ESP members, practitioners, educators, policy-makers, researchers, and many others in this International and exotic setting.
Be part of working-groups producing outcomes ranging from journal articles, white papers, book chapters, grant proposals, database structures, websites, and much more.

Event details
Monday, 26 August, 2013 - 15:00 - Wednesday, 30 October, 2013 - 16:00
Bali, Indonesia

Ecosystem Service Valuation Post-Doc Position Open at Dow

The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) recognizes the value of incorporating nature into global business goals, decisions and strategies. A key activity moving forward is the development and application of appropriate tools for the valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Dow is currently seeking a Post-Doc to work on Ecosystem Service Valuation at Dow's headquarters in Midland, Michigan. The project will focus on the development, evaluation and application of analytical tools for ecosystem service valuation to various Dow-owned lands. 


Green Real Estate Pro Forma Investment Modeling Tool

The Economics of Change: Catalyzing the Investment Shift Toward a Restorative Built Environment provides effective alternatives to the current financial model and policy framework that drive investment decisions in real estate.

Ecosystem Services, Land Use and Natural Infrastructure

A group for discussing how to address ecosystem services in local land use and infrastructure plans.

The purpose of this group is to investigate the challenges and opportunities associated with conserving ecosystem services within the context of Oregon's land use and infrastructure planning. Initially, information will be collected and compiled on this site, based on interviews with planners, local officials, and other experts.  Listening sessions will be held in several rural communities, to enhance understanding of unique circumstances and potential opportunities.

Biodiversity Conservation

Group to discuss biodiversity protection by encouraging increased conservation efforts on private lands through ecosystem services programs & markets.

This group was created to stimulate further conversation on how fish, wildlife and habitat can be protected more effectively on private lands.  The initial focus has been on application of the federal Endangered Species Act to stimulate demand for private conservation banks that provide habitat for listed or candidate species.

ESP Biome and Thematic Working Groups

A global network of active working groups within ESP of people knowledgeable about Ecosystem Services in biomes or on themes

The ES-Partnership is a network organization that will link practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders around the world who are working toward better understanding, modeling, valuation and management of ecosystem services and natural capital.
ESP aims to enhance communication, coordination and cooperation, while building a strong network of individuals and organizations.

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