Biodiversity Conservation

This group was created to stimulate further conversation on how fish, wildlife and habitat can be protected more effectively on private lands. The initial focus has been on application of the federal Endangered Species Act to stimulate demand for private conservation banks that provide habitat for listed or candidate species. Discussion will expand to address strategies for preventative actions that protect important habitat across public and private lands before species need to be listed. A variety of mechanisms including payment for ecosystem services, conservation easements and cross-jurisdictional, public private partnerships will be explored. This group will also provide information on measuring biodiversity outcomes.
Research, Wetlands, Forests, Measurement, Grasslands, Habitat/Biodiversity, Monitoring, Arid Lands, Valuation, Freshwater/Riparian, Restoration, Ocean/Estuarine, Tool Development, Agriculture, Tool Evaluation, Credit Trading/Banking, Urban/Suburban, Payment for Ecosystem Services, Policy Development/Analysis, Communication/Education