About the Ecosystem Commons
This is your place to advance ecosystem services science and practice.
Join us to enhance the use of ecosystem services and related science in conservation, restoration, resource management, and decision making.
By participating in this virtual community you can:
- Improve collaboration across sectors and ecosystems
- Engage in rich conversations to cultivate new ideas and inspire solutions
- Find and connect with colleagues
- Share information about projects and programs
- Learn about emerging trends in research
- Follow new developments in policy
- Locate references, data sources and tools
- Request peer review of your work
The Ecosystem Commons is a portal to the ecosystem services world, hosting discussions, showcasing projects, and tracking trends. The Commons is managed by the Institute for Natural Resources in collaboration with A Community on Ecosystem Services or ACES, the National Ecosystem Services Partnership or NESP, and many others. This project is made possible by support from the USDA Forest Service, USDA Office of Environmental Markets, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Geological Survey.
More information and a printable flyer is availble here.
An Important Note about Ecosystem Commons (Beta Version)
The Commons is your website. We are continually working to improve the website and depend on your feedback. Please be patient with us, as an early user you may find things that might not work exactly as expected, or something looks a little different since last time you logged on. Never hesitate to let us know how we can improve your user experience, we look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for taking the plunge and participating in the online community of practice!