About the Soapbox

The Soapbox is a series of articles hosted by EcosystemCommons.org to stimulate conversation and highlight successes, challenges and barriers related to advancing the science of ecosystem services and the use of ecosystem services in natural resource decision making.  Each article is announced to our email list and advertised on social media.  The broad ecosystem services community of practice is invited to engage in discussion about soapbox articles.  

Purpose of the “Soapbox” series

  • Engage the community in productive opinion-based discussion that works towards solutions
  • Highlight opinions, successes and/or obstacles in ES science and application to policy
  • Add value to ES events such as conferences, and regional or topical efforts
  • Provide a summary of the ES community range of opinions and experiences related to each topic

Would you like a turn on the Soapbox?  Are you passionate about an idea, inspired by a solution, or frustrated by an issue?  The Soapbox can help you reach an audience and engage them in discussion.  Contact us with an idea, or send us a draft for review.

    Guidelines for Authors

    • The article title must be intriguing or provocative.  It may be framed as a statement of opinion or a question.
    • The body is limited to 250 words 
    • The objective is to inspire online discussion.  Express your point of view in a way that invites the community to respond, either affirmatively or with a contrary opinion.  Ask questions.  Create openings for discussion.
    • Tone and style should address the ES community of researchers and practitioners directly
    • Authors are asked to:
      1. respond to comments and have the opportunity to defend their point of view using the comments associated with their article;
      2. provide a short bio to be posted with their submitted article;
      3. complete a user profile with photo on www.ecosystemcommons.org; and
      4. announce the article on their own social networks, or provide names and contact information for 10 peers who will each receive a personalized invitation to comment on your article.
    • Soapbox articles are moderated by the staff of Ecosystem Commons, and we may work with you in editing your article prior to posting.  

    You can start your own discussion, too!

    The Soapbox is a featured discussion but it's not the only discussion happening on the Commons.  As a member, you can create and contribute to other discussions anytime.  If you have something to share that's not quite right for the Soapbox, why not start a discussion?